Name: Sun,Lingling Professor, School of Mech. Eng., SDU Phone:86-531-88392729 Fax:86-531-81696168 Address:School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, 73 Jingshi Road, Jinan, 250061, P.R. China |
Education 2004 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering,Shandong University, China 1993 M.Eng. AutomotiveEngineering,Shandong University, China 1990 B.Eng. AutomotiveEngineering,Shandong University, China |
Professional Experience 2007.9-Present: Professor,School of MechanicalEngineering, Shandong University, China. 2008.11-2009.11 Visiting Research Fellow, School of MechanicalEngineering,AdelaideUniversity, Australia. 2001.9-2007.8: Associate professor,School of MechanicalEngineering, Shandong University, China. 2004.9-2005.8: Research Assistant, Department of Building and Construction, Hongkong City University. 1996.9-2001.8: Lecturer,School of MechanicalEngineering, Shandong University, China. 1994.9-1996.8: Teaching assistant,School of MechanicalEngineering, Shandong University, China. |
Teaching Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics Automotive Noise and Vibration |
Special Fields of Interest Vibration and Noise Control |
Research Projects Project of Shandong Natural Science Foundation, China.Active noise control of a mobile machinery cabin interior,project No.2006BS05015, Chief Investigator. Project ofState Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense Industry, China. Vibration control of an electrical machine,project No.MKPT-04-302, Chief Investigator. Project of National Natural Science Foundation, China;Intelligent System of Vibration Control of Complex Large Beam-like Structures in Engineering,project No.50275085, Co-Investigator. Project ofChina State Shipbuilding Corporation.Investigation and Result Evaluation of Power Flow Method in Transmission Characteristics of the Floating Raft System, Sponsored by China State Shipbuilding Corporation,project No. |
Scientific and Professional Societies Committee Member, Vibration and Noise Control Branch of Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering Editorial Board Member, Noise and Vibration Control |
Selected Publications and Conference Papers (past 5 years) L.L.SUN, C.H.Hansen and Con Doolan.Evaluation of the performance ofapassive active vibration isolation system,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,In Press. L.Sun, A.Y.T.Leung, Y.Y.Lee and K.Song. Vibrational power-flow analysis of a MIMO system using the transmission matrix approach,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21, 365-388, 2007.SCI/EI Sun Lingling, Song Kongjie. Transmission Matrix Method for Multi-dimensional Vibration Analysis of Complex Mechanical Systems.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,41 (4), 38-43, 2005.EI Sun Ling-ling,Song Kong-jie. Prediction of structure-born sound transmission in driver compartment using statistical energy analysis.China Journal of Highway and transport, 17 (4), 101-104, 2004.EI Lingling Sun, Kongjie Song. Optimal control application to active suspension design of ambulance stretcher.Journal ofAdvances in VibrationEngineering,4(1), 13-21, 2005. |